Friday, November 09, 2007

Okotoks Scrapbook Convention

Good evening everyone! Tonight I just want to make a quick post about something I was approached for today. I received a phone call asking if I would mind posting a link on my website to a Scrapbook Convention in Okotoks Alberta.

Now ... I get alot of requests for support of one kind or another but I am always happy to help if I can. I have posted a link on my website as requested and then I decided to put one up here as well (top right hand side), but I thought I would pop a little note in here about it as well. This is what they say on the website "We are a community volunteer group of women all working together to help the Rowan House Emergency Shelter. Lisa Slocombe, Project Coordinator has been scrapbooking for 8 years. She held a similar charity scrapbooking convention in Winnipeg , Manitoba in 2004 and has been a teacher at the local scrapbook store. She is so excited to be working on this project - when she heard Rowan House was operating out of a basement in a group home, she knew they needed a boost. "My heart reaches out to the women who attend the shelter and I want them to know that they are loved and thought of. I hope that through this project we can perhaps assist them in their courageous desire for a better life."

I do hope you will go and take a peek ... it looks like a worthy cause. So here's wishing you all the best in your convention girls!


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